4 June 2010

Sequences of jæren

The tendency in urban planning is that each municipality forget to focus on whats on the other side of their municipality borders.
This means that every place have many of the same functions and a lack of identity. Each municipality look to its neighbour wanting what they dont have. This might strengthen the political borders and the collaboration between the borders will be weaker.

By making the essence and identity of each municipality stronger and link them along the railway to transport goods and people, both internationally and regionally.

Then introduce a new infrastructural network and compress the time between Sandnes and Egersund, a new way of living will evolve and generate a more sustainable future.


1 comment:

  1. Hey T&M
    To compress is to make everything more accessible. What was far away is then near and opens up new relations between all aspects of the appearing Jæren - thats nice. A new Deck of Cards (or new scenes) for Jæren to play with. The notion City and Agricultural land is compressed to one figure, a double version of the same - a new notion. Urbanisation reconfigured and rethought, with possible new interpretation.
