10 June 2010

Congratulations with the two prizes at AHO Works

Congratulations Simona and Kemppe with your prizes at the exhibition of all master studio projects - AHO Works. I have got a series of smses about this just now, me beeing in Tromsø. I am so proud. We will be back on this blog with photos from the AHO prize ceremony, the jurys arguments for the prizes etc, and the students owen commentaries


1 comment:

  1. Congratutalitions to all of you and of cause especially to Simona and Kemppe with the prizes! I heard that you all did great projects and a great exhibition too. No wonder...! I'm glad I had the opportunity to meet you and to follow your projects for a while. I'm still annoyed by the fact I couldn't go to the final crit. My loss. Looking forward to meeting you somewhere else in “the world of urban design" in the future.
    Best regards, Ellen
