22 May 2010

Testing, testing

This is one of my four maps of Jæren. I have tried different styles on the graphics, but feel this works best. Please give feedback if it is too abstract.



  1. Hei Kemppe - your map is really interesting and powerful, actually. Your strategy of connection is clear, the reproramming also, and not using borders for your footprints but a texture allows you to suggest these areas have the potential to generate transformations beyond their borders, and also impossible to foresee. So it's good. See whether you can apply the same conceptual sharpeness to Forus also. Seeing this map makes now our discussion yesterday more clear to me also. I think the strenght of what you can show in Forus is what local phisical transformation can your strategy generate on site. So adding programs is a good move, but again the transformation you apply to the "horizontal surfaces" become even more important (a bit late to suggest, but the text Alex Wall wrote on Programming the Urban Surface is talking exactly about that) ... See whether patters and maybe icons, can help you. I just thought after our talk of this project Will Alsop did some years ago. There are two things interesting with it : it is a model, but the representation of his project idea is very abstract and powerful at the same time, and he is challenging the potential of linear connections, but also borders, to restructure the city. Can a "public functions" wall around Forus contain it new urbanity and define its non-expansion beyond reachable distances from its metro stop? I hope it can inspire you some ideas to solve yoour graphic perplexities :-) Good luck! Alice

  2. Hey Kemppe
    Kjerstin and I really like the blured expression of your supermap. That of marking the footprints with open-ended graphic representation (crosses) locates them in a new logic related to the whole appearing Jæren scene. At the same time the crosses can be read as archeological sites, for your future excavations. The JærMetro is a mind-blower: it introduces a completely new idea, a new layer or logic that locates the (former) footprints
    to a new logic of systems. Connecting it to the railway enhances the concept. Randaberg, an agricultural stronghold, is suddenly opened for new versions of farming and urban habitat.
    This blured graphical version, with the thin red line as the new connector, works very associative for us who have followed your rolling research. For a larger audience your zoom in will then be a guide to this appearing Jæren of new logics of systems - and competence.
    Your "stations" is then this possible zoom in, like Forus. So in the sence of a communication blow up, I think you have to work graphically very adventourus in fx Forus - see Alices commentary. Can you post one of your zoom ins?

  3. ps Kemppe
    The JærMetro also opens for yet anothe system of informational exchange. It can be connected to a hybrid network of all transport forms, alos every light forms of transport.
    The film editors (Arild Osmundsen, the mentor)) worked the scenes of Jæren by car. Now there new films, their "scenes that does not exist" (Stian Kristensen) can be found by metro - even partly subway (by help of some landscape urbanist aproaches that let biotopes pass and cross the thin red line. A series of new systems connects and creates the new Jæren city hybrid - A sustainable urban territory (to quote the next Euroapn competition brief).
    And again, A Forus Blow -Up that speculates in all this hybrid possibilities could enhance the concept - if I can ask for the moon.

  4. Hei Kemppe

    Gratulerer med prisen ”Excellence in transportation architecture” ved AHO works. Jeg er personlig

    svært glad og stolt for din og Simonas pris, og på vegne av hele vårt studio.

    Jeg arbeider stadig med å få finansiert utstilling i Stavanger, de to prisene er ytterst nyttig i denne sammenhengen.

    Og arbeidene skal også inngå som del av AHOs Triennaleutstilling.

    Kan du skrive en kort refleksjon over arbeidet ditt og prisen, de hadde sikkert en argumentasjon for denne.

    Jeg vil gjerne ha en slik tekst på bloggen. Den må da være på engelsk. Fikk du også 10 000 kr med prisen?. Det er jo helt supert!

    Jeg gikk gjennom prosjektet ditt med Peter Hemmersam og forsto da hvor kommunikativt du har jobbet hele tiden, både overfor deg selv og oss andre.

    Ps Kan du legge arbeidet ditt ut på bloggen, det er viktig for det jeg skriver over - OK?
