24 February 2010

Towards non fossil Jæren


1 comment:

  1. Dear Snædis
    Dont be afraid of launching systems that works together and informs each other. They can all be part of your new hybrid network. These are experiments that can be started up all over the Jæren Landscape. Use B. Tschumis La vilette grid (a dialog of points and fields) as metaphor, and talk to Anders Hus Folkestad about his ideas on biogasplants and integrated energy an cleaning up systems (he called it shit city). Charge all systematic knowledge you can discover, also localy in Jæren, find their barcode of ongoing experiments and new invention and charge it with your new knowledge - dont be afraid of daring thinking. But make some smart patterns that can connect all your points of knowledge in the field of the appearing Jæren
