Hey Emilie Can you be daring enough to discuss throug a drawing or diagram a kind of (geo)location of you ideas. Is it a concept in the seascape? is it land and seabased? Is your system related to other systems?! Are you locating and proposing a kind of giant seapark - please make a sketch. I think you shall challenge Anders more on this, you remember his blog post where you commented this way "It is Kelp, KELP!"
Appearing and disappearing landscapes is a master studio at AHO - Oslo School of Architecture and Design, run during the spring term 2010 by Knut Eirik Dahl, Kjerstin Uhre, Alice Labadini and Ellen Braae.
Hey Emilie
ReplyDeleteCan you be daring enough to discuss throug a drawing or diagram a kind of (geo)location of you ideas. Is it a concept in the seascape? is it land and seabased? Is your system related to other systems?! Are you locating and proposing a kind of giant seapark - please make a sketch.
I think you shall challenge Anders more on this, you remember his blog post where you commented this way "It is Kelp, KELP!"