6 February 2010

crime collage

I've illustrated my dark thoughts of Jæren in these two collages.

There's a war going on in Jæren. 
A war against biological diversity. 
A systematic destruction. 
The nature is dying. 

Picea sitchensis is a killer It's imported from America, and planted in Jæren - it "Kills the norwegian species"

"Picea sitchensis is one of our worst problem-species. Where it developes, it changes the ecosystem completely."


  1. Dear Henriette
    In a state of war there are voices that is not heard, victims so to speak. A strategy for a new terminology of landscapes, biotopes etc in Jæren has to explore the guerilla possibility and the reorganizing of every possible force - a resistance movement, meaning a new terminology of the appearing voices of landscapes, biotopes, lifeforms and practises.
    May be you could make a smart diagram, chessboard-like, of the different positions wthin your Jæren war metaphor. The journalist Odd Philstrøm in Stavanger Abenbladt said that Jæren has the lovest rating in the nation when it comes to the ecological status, really bad in other words. So put up a new "baricade" of systems of possible ecologies.

  2. Hello Henriette -
    war is back.. I like your graphics very much, they can be very effective manifestos for your project. Try to explain what is the information you are basing your guerrilla upon. Starting from the strange and stranger species entering Jæeren ecosystems and disrupting it. Can you think as a guerrilla strategy? You can share with Maya the spatial metaphors of war, to see how you could further implement your tactics of attack. Is it occupying points, constructing bunkers like secret gardens, creating new borders, crossing zones/corridors? But first give a name to your army ;-)

  3. Picea sitchensis, sitgagran er mye brukt som lebeplantning i Norge. På vindfulle Jæren ville jeg se etter om den er plantet i rekker eller i skogholt. Rekker, gjere svært lange, er rein lebeplanting. Nyere prinsipper for le bruker helst stedegne arter/arter som gir vilt og fauna større mangfold. Ta kontakt for å få tips om litteratur om temaet.

