5 July 2010

The New Seascape Cartography

This project investigates our relationship to the sea. The field of study, Jæren, situated on the coast of Norway is part of the North Sea ecosystem. The project reveales the north sea as one territory, looking at what is influencing this huge ecosystem and what will be the future challenges for the communities residing in this drainage bassin. The project suggests a number of strategies for the North Sea, which all the countries, commnities, will be affected by and have strategies that relate to. Jæren, the municipality of Norways oil capital Stavanger, play an interesting role in this seascape.

The project focuses on man made interventions. The historical research and the reference used to predict future scenarios are all human interventions. The project investigates if it is possible to design not only for people but also the ecosystem and if there exists solutions that benefit both. It is optimistic in the way that it still sees potential in man to continue to form it’s landscape. The scenarios sketched out with the archipelago is intended to illustrate what kind of concequences this kind of thinking could have, but also to problematize this kind of interventions. The question remains open: how will we interfer in the sea in the years to come?

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